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July 2, 2024
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BounceTogether Partners with CPOMS to Enhance School Safeguarding Efforts

BounceTogether, a leader in wellbeing measurement software for schools, announces its strategic partnership with CPOMS, renowned for its safeguarding, wellbeing and pastoral software. This collaboration introduces a new integration feature that enables schools to receive pupil voice alerts directly into CPOMS safeguarding records for the first time.

BounceTogether, a leader in wellbeing measurement software for schools, announces its strategic partnership with CPOMS, renowned for its safeguarding, wellbeing and pastoral software. This collaboration introduces a new integration feature that enables schools to receive pupil voice alerts directly into CPOMS safeguarding records for the first time.

Introducing Enhanced Safeguarding Integration

This newly launched integration between BounceTogether and CPOMS marks a significant advancement in how schools can manage safeguarding and wellbeing together. Schools can now automatically synchronise wellbeing alert data with their safeguarding platform, providing a more comprehensive view of and more insightful conversations about a student.

What are Bounce Alerts?

Bounce Alerts are there to “add to the story” of what is going on with a particular student. 

Alerts can be generated based on specific question responses (e.g., my life is worthwhile=strongly disagree), predefined score thresholds, or significant changes in student scores over time. They are timely, relevant, and can be customised to match the unique challenges each school community faces.

Value of the Integration

The integration of Bounce Alerts with CPOMS enhances school safeguarding practices in several ways:

  • Complying with the “Keeping Children Safe in Education Policy 2024” statutory guidance for schools and colleges: Any student may benefit from early help, but all school and college staff should be particularly alert to the potential need for early help for a student who has a mental health need.
  • Student Voice: The integration allows DSL’s and safeguarding practitioners to add more Student Voice information to their chronologies.
  • Efficient Data Management: It provides greater evidence for schools for referral or funding needs.
  • Proactive Safeguarding: By leveraging real-time alerts and data-driven insights, schools can intervene proactively to support student wellbeing and mitigate potential risks before they escalate.

"The development of Bounce Alerts with CPOMS has been an 18-month project, where we have spent considerable time collaborating with CPOMS and schools to provide a solution that makes a real difference for teachers. By providing the pupil’s voice, teachers are not only able to build a more complete picture of students and any safeguarding concerns but are also able to more accurately identify those “under the radar” students, with internalising concerns." Andy Bate, Co-founder, BounceTogether.

“We all know how important it is to capture the pupil’s voice and bring this data to DSLs and safeguarding practitioners,” said John Wild, Managing Director, CPOMS. “Our integration with BounceTogether empowers educators to identify and address concerns more effectively, ensuring that no student is overlooked.”

Book Your Personalised Demo

School Leaders and Designated Safeguarding Leads are invited to explore the integrated solution of Bounce Alerts and CPOMS through a personalised demo. Discover how this collaboration can strengthen your school's safeguarding strategies and support student wellbeing. Click [here] to schedule your session at your convenience.

About BounceTogether

BounceTogether specialises in providing innovative digital solutions that help schools monitor, understand, and enhance student, staff, and parent wellbeing effectively.


CPOMS is a trusted provider of safeguarding, wellbeing, and pastoral software used by schools worldwide. The integration with Bounce Alerts underscores CPOMS' commitment to supporting schools in safeguarding every student effectively.


Ensure no child's voice goes unheard

Move one step closer to implementing an efficient monitoring and tracking system that enables you to embed healthy wellbeing practices across your whole school and drive improvements.
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