For Colleges

Our platform provides instant access to segmented wellbeing data, enabling you to identify whole-college trends and create targeted action plans.
A comparison report of wellbeing results.
Try Bounce

We offer a comprehensive selection of research-based surveys designed specifically to help colleges gain valuable insights into the mental health and wellbeing of their community. You can also create bespoke surveys tailored to your college's unique needs and objectives.


Experience seamless integration with your college's existing systems and access real-time, accurate data. Analyse trends to gain valuable insights into wellbeing, identify areas for improvement, track the impact of initiatives, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of your students and staff.

A monitor showing an image of a stacked bar chart, showing the results to a single question from a wellbeing survey in BounceTogether.

Access presentation-ready reports to help you showcase key findings, highlight progress, and present evidence-based insights to college leadership, staff, and stakeholders. BounceTogether provides you with clear and actionable information to support your college's wellbeing initiatives.

Try Bounce

How can we support you?

Around 75% of mental health problems in adult life begin before the age of 18. College is a critical stage in a young person's life, and addressing mental health and wellbeing during this period can have a significant impact on their overall health and success.

Mockup of the BounceTogether results portal showing a individual pupil report and Bounce alerting a school to their results to support their safeguarding strategy.
Ensure no one falls under the radar

College students face unique challenges, and BounceTogether ensures you can identify and address their specific wellbeing needs. Our data-driven insights help you understand the mental health landscape in your college and tailor support accordingly.

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A comparison report of wellbeing results.
Exceed inspection expectations

Showcase your commitment to wellbeing and safeguarding with comprehensive data insights. Our platform equips you with evidence to demonstrate the steps you have taken to prioritise student and staff welfare.

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Choose the right wellbeing survey

Gather accurate and meaningful insights with BounceTogether's extensive range of carefully selected, best-in-class, and age-appropriate surveys. Customise your measurement strategy to suit your college's unique needs, allowing you to delve deeper into specific aspects of wellbeing.

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Powerful reporting

Unlock the full potential of your college's wellbeing strategy with BounceTogether's powerful reporting tools. Our platform delivers instant results at various levels - from whole college overviews to individual student data - helping you track progress and measure the impact of your wellbeing initiatives.

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A RAG-rated wellbeing report from a school showing the data by year and key demographics
Save time and money

Time and resources are valuable in a college setting. We streamline the survey process, saving you time and effort. Focus on supporting students and making a meaningful impact, as our platform handles data management efficiently.

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Inclusive survey experience

With our platform, you can seamlessly run surveys that support over 65 languages, offer alternate background colors and fonts, and even convert words to speech and pictures. Everyone student and staff member can participate and engage.

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But don't take our word for it! Read how our schools are using BounceTogether to drive improvements across the curriculum.

Read more testimonials

"Creating and distributing surveys has never been easier. The results collected are presentedin different styles alongside an overall report that have made data analysis an enjoyable task. I would highly recommend BounceTogether."

Oldham College

"BounceTogether has been incredibly usefulfor collecting large amounts of data in a concise and easily understandable fashion. We have been conducting a research project into Transition and Bounce has been essential in this process."

Oldham College
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Ensure no child's voice goes unheard

Move one step closer to implementing an efficient monitoring and tracking system that enables you to embed healthy wellbeing practices across your whole school and drive improvements.
A square of dots to accentuate an image