Created by award-winning author, Aidan Harvey-Craig

Train students in the psychology of wellbeing

Give your students the tools to affect culture-wide behaviour change across your school or college, for improved wellbeing.
Brought to you in partnership with
15 min
Learn it, Live it, Teach it!
It was really educational, it definitely advanced my knowledge – I have been able to help others and understand myself a bit more after doing the course.

A Student-led, online learning platform

Using videos, quizzes and cutting-edge research. Your students will learn simple, effective "wellbeing techniques", which they use to teach and share with their peers

Learn it

Students learn about the psychology of wellbeing with videos, key research and quizzes

Live it

The course has its own app and worksheet downloads to help students embed the ideas into their daily life

Teach it

Students run six campaigns to spread wellbeing messages to their peers

Included in every lesson

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18 wellbeing hacks for students book cover image.
Straight from the pages of Aidan Harvey-Craig's award winning book
3x insightful videos
Easy to watch videos that will reasonate with your students
Groundbreaking Research
Techniques rooted in science. The research explains the detail
3x short exercises and quizzes
Practice the techniques learned (thought logs, breathing exercises, etc)
Offline materials
Students get a download to use for the subsequent week (e.g. a sleep diary)
2x Campaigns
To put your new found wellbeing expertise into practice.
A final lesson quiz including a completion certificate and notes on learnings
"When it comes to sustained behaviour change there’s clear evidence that the people students are most influenced by, are other students.  So it makes sense to have informed student wellbeing ambassadors throughout your school"
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(Paluck et al 2019)

Super Simple pricing

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No minimum order required! Purchase as many as you need.
Per pupil
Easy to use admin portal to manage licenses
Instant access to course material
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Frequently asked Questions

  • What is a student wellbeing ambassador?
    A wellbeing ambassador programme is an initiative organised by schools to promote and support mental health and overall wellbeing. These programs train selected students (known as "ambassadors") to become peer supporters, advocates and role models within their school. The role of Student Wellbeing Ambassador is not to deal with mental health issues – these will always be referred to a professional - wellbeing ambassadors are perfect for cultivating a more positive, kinder and harmonious community that's driven through peer-to-peer engagements.
  • What difference is the Student Wellbeing Ambassador Programme (SWAP) going to make?
    A student wellbeing ambassador programme can make a big difference in a school.  It not only directly supports individual students but also contributes to a more positive, inclusive, and health-conscious community. This, in turn, can lead to better academic outcomes, higher retention rates, and a more engaged and resilient student body.
  • Why use the Student Wellbeing Ambassador Programme (SWAP) in my school?
    Implementing the Student Wellbeing Ambassador Programme (SWAP) in your school can significantly enhance the overall wellbeing of your student community. SWAP empowers students to take an active role in promoting mental health, reducing stigma, and providing peer support, which can lead to a more inclusive and supportive school environment. By involving students as ambassadors, you create a network of trained peers who can identify and address wellbeing concerns early, fostering a culture of care and resilience. This not only improves individual student outcomes but also contributes to a positive and connected school culture, where wellbeing is prioritised and integrated into everyday life.
  • How is this wellbeing ambassador programme different to others?
    This Wellbeing Ambassador Programme is uniquely designed to feel like it’s taught by students, for students. It’s relatable, down-to-earth, and presented in a way that truly connects with the student experience. The content is new, fresh, and up-to-date, offering practical tips that you can immediately apply in your daily life. Whether you’re working on activities at home, in school, in groups, or on your own, the programme provides hands-on exercises that make wellbeing an active part of your routine. By focusing on what really matters to students today, this programme ensures that wellbeing support is relevant, engaging, and truly impactful.
  • How can my students be fully engaged in my wellbeing strategy?
    Engaging students fully in your wellbeing strategy, especially within the context of a Wellbeing Ambassador Programme, involves creating a sense of ownership, relevance, and active participation. Wellbeing ambassador programmes such as this one foster peer-led initiatives.   Encourage them to lead their own initiatives and collaborate with other student groups, making wellbeing a visible and inclusive part of school life. We recommend regularly communicating with the students, gather feedback through pupil voice surveys and focus groups, and adapt the programme as needed. Lastly, don't forget to recognise and celebrate the contributions of ambassadors and other participants.