Try Bounce

Pocklington community Junior School - Case Study

"Bounce makes our lives so much easier!" - Aimee Cave
Pocklington community junior school logo


I am Assistant Headteacher and SENDCO at Pocklington Junior School, a larger than average junior school in the East Riding of Yorkshire. I have worked here for 3 and a half years and have various other responsibilities as well, such as being head of Y5/6 and having responsibility for the Looked After and Previously Looked After Children and being the mental health champion for the school.

I am on the senior leadership team and wanted to get involved with Bounce to see how it could help us make an impact on various elements of school life and most importantly, if it could make an impact on the children we work with.

How is Bounce being used in your school?

It gives us a quick and easy way to survey the children which the children enjoy doing as it is way more fun to complete a survey on an iPad. We previously used to do paper based surveys and these took a long time to collate and obviously weren’t very eco-friendly either. One particular example is the safeguarding survey that we do for all children at the start of each year.

The time saving element is great. However, it’s great for being able to easily pick out individual, class or group responses which we can then action. It is also really easy to use and the reports are great to show to other leaders, class teachers, governors etc.
The Deputy Head used to collate all the results by hand, going through 300 children’s different answers and it would take her hours to get the information she needed. Now, results to any surveys we do are calculated immediately electronically and displayed in a variety of forms, to best suit us.

Tell us about the impact to your school

As a school, it has had much the same impact on us as a whole, as it has to me individually.

It has been a great timesaver for us and will be going forward as we change paper surveys over to electronic ones via Bounce. Its’s great that there are pre-loaded surveys that you can just deliver immediately but that you can also write your own surveys too, it is fully customisable to any school’s needs.

I also like the fact that you can survey staff as well. This is something that we do quite a lot in school for various different reasons, so to be able to switch over and do this electronically, via Bounce, with all the reports immediately created, means that we can easily look into staff wellbeing or whatever else it is that we are looking into at the time. The results of this can then have a real and direct impact on what we action in school.
It’s great that there are pre-loaded surveys that you can just deliver immediately but that you can also write your own surveys too, it is fully customisable to any school’s needs.

How is Bounce helping with your reading strategy?

Another example of school-wide impact is to do with reading, one of the main areas we have been working on in school. We used the ‘Attitudes to Reading’ survey to see which children loved reading and which needed extra support with this. The survey was pre-loaded so only involved a few clicks to set up and was quick and easy for children to complete.

We could quickly access the results and saw straight away that we had children who we needed to support with reading at home (as they weren’t), which genres children liked (so we could tailor certain classes to certain genres), were able to point children who didn’t have a library membership in the right direction of this and could easily see who to target to develop a love of reading.

In particular, we had one child who we found hates reading but loves dogs. Upon finding this out, we set her up to read with our Therapy Dog and she now is loving reading to him – a great win for us and such an easy fix thanks to what we found out from the survey.
Most importantly, it has allowed me to very quickly and easily pick out key findings from surveys with individual children and action this immediately.

How does it help in your role?

Bounce has saved me lots of time, which is one of my favourite things! Most importantly however, it has allowed me to very quickly and easily pick out key findings from surveys with individual children and action this immediately.

For example, upon completing the ‘Me and My Feelings’ survey, I could pick out children who had negative responses to questions (i.e. they felt lonely, sad etc) and could then chat to these children and make sure they had the right support in place such as an intervention, a key adult etc. This obviously makes a huge difference to the children and I have had several of those children now tell me that they feel much happier.

In summary

Bounce is a great tool in being able to diagnose strengths and weaknesses across a whole wealth of areas. Once a quick, easy and user-friendly survey has been completed by either the pupil or staff member, you can then immediately see the results and set up an action that same day. It’s a great tool for all leaders, to support good progress with measurable impact across school.

What’s great about Bounce, is when I repeat this survey, I will be able to quantitatively see this progress about the children’s wellbeing.

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