Bounce across the whole school
Bounce has been fantastic on a personal level, within my role! At PE level, we can now conduct student voice activities for all year groups and can use this information to plan a targeted intervention programme and also adjust our curriculum to meet the needs of specific cohorts of students.
It also enabled us to evaluate extra curricular attendance over the course of the year. As BounceTogether is fully integrated with our school management system, we could then filter this data down by year group and key demographics within school (e.g. pupil premium, EAL). Attempting to do this manually would have cost hours of staff time. Again, this has shown fantastic results and allowed us to implement intervention strategies.
Rob says "Bounce has been incredibly valuable in my role with the Manchester United Foundation and we have been able to evaluate all the programmes that our Man Utd Hub Officer runs. Again, this has shown fantastic results and allowed us to implement intervention strategies"
Another example comes from our Man Utd literacy programme, where our hub officer has 2 groups of 15 Y9 boys for twice weekly sessions. The survey we assigned to these students highlighted they really enjoyed the sessions, felt more confident with their reading and were also more positive when returning to English lessons.
One of the Key questions during the survey was "Do you read for pleasure at home"? The results from this question were dominated by a 'NO' response. Our Hub Officer was quickly able to pick up on this and as a result he encouraged the boys to start reading matchday programmes, the back of Newspapers on the sport section and also the BBC Sport website.
Without realising it, the boys on the programme were suddenly reading from home regularly and enjoying it at the same time! We know that BounceTogether also provides a specialised “attitude to reading” survey and our literacy team are about to start using it to understand more about our reading provision.