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Woodlands Primary Academy- Case Study

"BounceTogether has provided an affordable, easy to use platform that has helped  measure and shape an impactful school wellbeing strategy." - Laura Humble
As part of South Pennine Academies Trust, Woodlands Primary is committed to promoting positive mental health and wellbeing for pupils, staff, parents and carers in their school community.

Based in East Oldham, Greater Manchester, the school operates in an area of significant deprivation, where unemployment within their families is high, and many pupils live in poverty. Of the school’s 355 children, 52% are eligible for Free School Meals, 54% are identified as Pupil Premium and 25% have an identified SEND need.

The school is committed to helping children thrive and achieve their potential regardless of economic situations and backgrounds and teaching is focused on creating an inspiring place where children feel safe and encouraged to become responsible, respectful and resilient learners. In January 2019, Woodlands gained a good Ofsted rating following an inspection under the new framework.

Making mental health and wellbeing a priority

At the start of 2022, following the COVID-19 pandemic, the senior leadership team redesigned the school curriculum, ensuring that children’s wellbeing was made an overarching priority across all classes.

BounceTogether was introduced as a digital measurement platform to support this transition, provide insights to inform provision and data that demonstrates its impact. It was straightforward and easy to set up for all staff, meaning the software could quickly be integrated at the core of the school’s wellbeing strategy
We wanted to track the un-trackable and measure the
non-academic factors which influence our pupil’s learning. Before working with BounceTogether, we felt we were only telling ½ a story without context or understanding of the environment our pupils are living in. BounceTogether’s measurement platform has enabled us to see the whole,
holistic picture.

Celebrating Successes

Teachers at Woodlands have worked tirelessly to ensure that positive mental health is promoted through every aspect of school life, both in and outside of the classroom. Their curriculum provides a wide range of activities to boost pupil, staff and parental wellbeing, including a range of interventions, access to a Reflection Room and dedicated Mental Health First Aiders for both adults and children.

BounceTogether’s digital survey platform into school life has enabled staff to easily measure the impact of their work with research-based, reputable surveys across 12 wellbeing focus areas. The data from which back up their professional judgement that pupils feel safe and happy in school.

Surveys have demonstrated staff have a sound knowledge of their pupils with hard data. As a Senior Leadership Team is important to share such successes

A targeted and reactive approach to interventions

With a sound overview of whole school wellbeing, our teachers have been able to work with insights alongside their own knowledge of pupils to run more targeted interventions to any specific problems that arise in school.

Knowing a proportion of our Lower Key Stage 2 girls were facing low levels of anxiety, we were able to run The Perceived Stress Scale pre and post running anxiety specific interventions to measure and compare their impact over time.

Running the KINDL (Kid) and KINDL (Kiddy) survey across years 1 – 6 has been key in enabling us to track the ‘un-trackable’ and flag up cohort / phase / school-based priorities regarding self-esteem, friendships, anxiety and families. With such data, senior leadership have been able to run targeted CPD to improve staff knowledge, engage in strategic planning to link key areas of need to AIP for 2022 – 2023, and recognise there is a need to budget for additional pastoral staff to meet increasing school needs.

Sharing Insights with teachers and parents

We have also been able to run specific surveys on a 1:1 basis where there is a known issue of low self-esteem, or a child is displaying challenging behaviours. In such cases specific surveys have provided tangible evidence to demonstrate the positive impact of school interventions and support difficult conversations with parents.

Our Learning Mentor and SEN Department have been able to use data in early help meetings with parents or outside agencies to gauge the level of external support required and bring all parties onboard. For a Key Stage one behaviour issue, this evidence also helped us encourage parents to mirror school interventions in the home environment.

With BounceTogether, staff working with children on a 1 to 1 basis can easily evidence the success and impact of their work. Insights that demonstrate how areas of concern have turned from red to green following interventions can also act as encouragement for staff to keep going in the face of
challenging days.

Achieving Gold Accreditation for Mental Health Provision

Being able to generate these insights instantly has enabled the senior leadership team to clearly demonstrate the impact of Woodland’s wellbeing centric approach to learning.

Woodlands Primary is now one of few schools in the country and the only school in Oldham to have been awarded a gold standard by the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools. BounceTogether has played an integral role in this achievement.

Doctor Steve Burton, Interim Dean of Leeds Beckett’s Carnegie School of Education, said: “Achieving this award provides a recognition of the school’s commitment to improving the life chances of children and engaging with the wider community including staff and parents/carers."

When working with both Academy and Trust Leaders BounceTogether survey results and trends have enabled us to demonstrate both the impact of ongoing work and the increasing mental health needs of our children and families post pandemic. This allows for us to plan, fund and deliver on strategic priorities, with a focus on wellbeing, to meet the needs of all stakeholders as these are ­evidenced and trackable.
BounceTogether has not only enabled us to gain a powerful overview of whole school wellbeing, plan and deliver targeted interventions, as well as evaluate their impact, but has also saved huge amounts of teaching time and costs.

Survey results are not only insightful but can also be summarised in powerful reports where data, from whole school to individual pupil level can clearly segmented and compared across key demographics like SEND, Free School Meals and Pupil Premium.

Surveying using traditional online tools or paper questionnaires and manually evaluating results is an extremely time and cost intensive task; it can also be stressful for those teachers managing the process. BounceTogethers simple platform has ultimately improved our staff’s confidence when it comes to working with technology.

They have provided an affordable, easy to use platform that has helped us measure and shape an impactful school wellbeing strategy that is meaningful for teachers involved. We plan to build on our successes with BounceTogether over the coming years.
Download The Woodlands Primary Academy Case Study

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