Ensure no child falls under the radar

Intelligent, automated alerts on wellbeing data
We analyse all responses in real-time
We identify concerning trends or scores for you
Intervene early and prevent issues from escalating
Mockup of the BounceTogether results portal showing a individual pupil report and Bounce alerting a school to their results to support their safeguarding strategy.

Swift identification of those in need

Identifying students in need of support is effortless. Our system quickly highlight those who may be experiencing emotional or mental health challenges.

Immediate and Relevant Notifications

When a Bounce Alert is triggered, you'll receive an immediate notification. Whether it's a significant drop in wellbeing scores or concerning responses to specific questions, we ensure you're aware without delay.
Mockup of the BounceTogether results portal showing a individual pupil report and Bounce alerting a school to their results to support their safeguarding strategy.

Personalised Insights for Targeted Support

We provide personalised insights into the specific areas in which a student may be struggling. By pinpointing the subdomains or themes causing concern, you can tailor support strategies to address each pupil's unique needs effectively.

Streamlined Communication with Stakeholders

Bounce Alerts facilitate seamless communication with relevant stakeholders, such as parents, counselors, or support teams. Share real-time data and insights to foster collaboration in creating the most comprehensive support plan for each student.
A comparison report of wellbeing results.

Supplementing safeguarding data

Bounce Alerts integrates seamlessly with some of the largest safeguarding systems to enhance safeguarding practices and bring objective, uninfluenced pupil voice into the forefront.

Trusted by hundreds of schools

But don't just take our word for it! Read how our schools are using BounceTogether to drive improvements across the curriculum.

Reporting detail and analysis
Saving time and money
Protecting and safeguarding
Evidence to Governors, SLT, and Ofsted

"Schools sometimes struggle to see where wellbeing data fits into their daily operations. However, there is a clear link between the insights this data provides and the actionable steps that can support student wellbeing."


"If you are not happy, you can't learn! BounceTogether is pivotal to my pastoral role. I do a lot of one-to-one work and the surveys make this measurable for me"

Head of Pastoral

"BounceTogether has helped us to quantify the things we believe are happening"

Leaning Mentor

"Starting to work with BounceTogether marked a breakthrough for our wellbeing strategy! The software gives us so much more than the previous system, allowing us to measure wellbeing quickly, keep insights in one place and save countless hours of time"

Pastoral Managr

"The results were like 'really', 'oooh', 'need to get in there', 'need to look at this', 'we weren't expecting that'"

Mental Health Lead

"BounceTogether makes our lives so much easier! It has allowed teachers to very quickly and easily pick out key findings from surveys with individual children, classes, or groups and action this immediately. We run a safeguarding survey for all children at the start of each year"

Assistant Headteacher

"We wanted to be able to show to governers and the community that what we're doing is working and that's one area that's been really helpful for us"

Learning Mentor

"BounceTogether is an invaluable tool for us. It's been excellent at identifying needs from children who might not feel comfortable verbalising them to us"

Learning Mentor

"It is worth the cost just to pick up on one child who  has fallen under the radar!"


"I find the surveys really helpful. They just let me get my feelings off my shoulders. If you have trouble at home and keep it inside of you, it stops you from learning"

KS2 Pupil

"The beauty of the surveys is that you are capturing those children who internalise. They are your future self-harmers, future bulimic, or anorexic. We are picking them up and giving them a voice to tell their story. You pick every single one up"

Mental Health Advisor

"With BounceTogether, staff working with children on a 1-to-1 basis can easily evidence the success and impact of their work. Insights that demonstrate how areas of concern have turned from red to green following interventions are invaluable"

Learning Mentor

"If someone asks how you are doing in person, you feel put on the spot and can feel a lot of pressure. With the surveys I can put it on the iPad and I know the teacher will talk with me about it"

KS2 pupil

Ensure no child's voice goes unheard

Move one step closer to implementing an efficient monitoring and tracking system that enables you to embed healthy wellbeing practices across your whole school and drive improvements.
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