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Order with BounceTogether

We're delighted you want to move forward with BounceTogether in your school. You can use this form to place an order with us when you have been sent a custom quotation reference from one of our team.

Enter your order details

Your unique, BounceTogether quotation reference (required)
Your school's purchase order number (Optional)

Enter your school's details


Enter your details

Please supply the details of the person in your school that you would like to be the nominated project lead for BounceTogether. We will protect your personal information. Read our privacy policy here.

Last step! Confirm

Please tick this box to confirm you agree to our terms of business and confirm that you are authorised on behalf of the school to place this order.
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Thank you for your order!

We'll begin setting up your account right away with the details you provided.

Next steps

We need to connect Bounce Together to your school management system to add your pupils. To do this, we use a trusted provider, Groupcall who you may already use for other applications in school (you probably do!)

You will receive an invitation from Groupcall that will outline how you connect your system to Bounce. Once this has been configured (it's really simple!) you will then receive your details for accessing Bounce and away you go!

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