BounceTogether Brochure

BounceTogether Brochure

Whether you are already measuring wellbeing in school or looking to get started, we are confident our platform can make a difference! Find out why hundreds of like-minded schools are choosing to work with BounceTogether by downloading our brochure.

  • Ensure no pupils fall under the radar - Quickly highlight your top and bottom 20% of pupils for each survey and be alerted to movement in wellbeing scores and concerning answers to individual questions.
  • Demonstrate impact - Use our instant, real-time reporting to quickly benchmark pupil wellbeing, evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and demonstrate your impact to key stakeholders.
  • Save time and money - Save countless hours of admin per survey when compared to MS forms, paper surveys and other systems. Dedicate your time to analysing findings and supporting your pupils.
  • Identify school-based priorities - Identify trends and issues at the earliest opportunity. Struggling with misuse of social media / bullying? Run a quick survey and collect data to inform your next steps.
  • Drive improved outcomes - Develop a co-ordinated approach to mental health that positively impacts the lives of your pupils and staff, improving academic performance, behaviour, attendance and wellbeing.
  • Integrate safeguarding and wellbeing data - Build a comprehensive picture of the relationship between safeguarding concerns and pupil wellbeing so you can make data-informed decisions that create a safer learning environment.
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BounceTogether Brochure
BounceTogether Resource

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Save time and resources by generating powerful, segmented reports with our digital platform.
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Ensure no child's voice goes unheard

Move one step closer to implementing an efficient monitoring and tracking system that enables you to embed healthy wellbeing practices across your whole school and drive improvements.
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