Measuring the important things in school

The mental health and wellbeing survey platform for schools. Simplifying how you track and monitor wellbeing.
Question from mental health survey - I feel safe to share my thoughts and feelings with others
NEW FOR 24/25


Automatically add pupil voice to safeguarding chronologies
Take prompt action to ensure no child goes under the radar
Ensure the right people are notified. Instantly!
Supporting you with the Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 policy.
when a pupil
feels like they don't belong at this school
when a pupil
is worried and has no one to talk with
when a pupil
is having troubling thoughts
BounceTogether is CPOMS ready!
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Social and emotional health surveys for schools

Over 65 evidence-based surveys covering 12 categories of wellbeing are pre-loaded for you (including RAG-ratings) and ready to go.

Early identification

We'll notify you of pupils in need of extra support. Ensure no child goes unnoticed and meet the keeping children safe in education guidelines.

Planning next steps

The platform guides you through the results, helping you easily plan next steps. An extensive knowledge centre with lesson plans is also available.
Dashboards and trend analysis for tracking emotional health
Real-time alerts flag pupils who may need emotional support
Over 65+ evidence-based surveys for pupils, staff, and parents
Identify pupils at risk of disengagement or low attendance
Track engagement, attitudes, and school culture with reports
Data-driven reports provide clear evidence for SLT and Ofsted
Genuinely the largest benchmarks of SEMH data across the 2023/2024 academic year.
Schools supported
Alerts raised
Pupils supported

“Bounce Alerts changed the conversation. It provided 1 on 1 conversation opportunities with individual pupils


"I got all excited by the increase in scores relative to the benchmarks. It's so helpful to see the impact of our approach to education reflected in these surveys."


“Bounce Alerts provides greater evidence for any referral or funding needs"


"We are finding "invisible" pupils and using the data in our team meetings to decide next steps."

Assistant Principal

"The data is showing us movements on a Year by Year basis and clearly highlights areas of concern for specific pupils"

Designated Mental Health Lead

"We're using Bounce Alerts to highlight the children in need of extra support"

Desginated Safeguarding Lead

"It is worth the cost just to pick up on one child who has fallen under the radar!"


"It really adds to the safeguarding conversation; by embedding the pupil voice"

Safeguarding Lead

"It's now easier for us to identify those 'under the radar' children"

Find out how hundreds of other schools do it
Schedule a meeting

Trusted by hundreds of schools

But don't just take our word for it! Read how our schools are using BounceTogether to drive improvements across the curriculum.

Reporting detail and analysis
Saving time and money
Protecting and safeguarding
Evidence to Governors, SLT, and Ofsted

"Schools sometimes struggle to see where wellbeing data fits into their daily operations. However, there is a clear link between the insights this data provides and the actionable steps that can support student wellbeing."


"If you are not happy, you can't learn! BounceTogether is pivotal to my pastoral role. I do a lot of one-to-one work and the surveys make this measurable for me"

Head of Pastoral

"BounceTogether has helped us to quantify the things we believe are happening"

Leaning Mentor

"Starting to work with BounceTogether marked a breakthrough for our wellbeing strategy! The software gives us so much more than the previous system, allowing us to measure wellbeing quickly, keep insights in one place and save countless hours of time"

Pastoral Managr

"The results were like 'really', 'oooh', 'need to get in there', 'need to look at this', 'we weren't expecting that'"

Mental Health Lead

"BounceTogether makes our lives so much easier! It has allowed teachers to very quickly and easily pick out key findings from surveys with individual children, classes, or groups and action this immediately. We run a safeguarding survey for all children at the start of each year"

Assistant Headteacher

"We wanted to be able to show to governers and the community that what we're doing is working and that's one area that's been really helpful for us"

Learning Mentor

"BounceTogether is an invaluable tool for us. It's been excellent at identifying needs from children who might not feel comfortable verbalising them to us"

Learning Mentor

"It is worth the cost just to pick up on one child who  has fallen under the radar!"


"I find the surveys really helpful. They just let me get my feelings off my shoulders. If you have trouble at home and keep it inside of you, it stops you from learning"

KS2 Pupil

"The beauty of the surveys is that you are capturing those children who internalise. They are your future self-harmers, future bulimic, or anorexic. We are picking them up and giving them a voice to tell their story. You pick every single one up"

Mental Health Advisor

"With BounceTogether, staff working with children on a 1-to-1 basis can easily evidence the success and impact of their work. Insights that demonstrate how areas of concern have turned from red to green following interventions are invaluable"

Learning Mentor

"If someone asks how you are doing in person, you feel put on the spot and can feel a lot of pressure. With the surveys I can put it on the iPad and I know the teacher will talk with me about it"

KS2 pupil

View your data your way

Clear, concise reports from every preloaded survey
Presentation-ready format
View top/bottom scoring groups/cohorts
"This is how we are using BounceTogether across our schools at the Leigh Trust. It's been transformational, as we have been able to understand the impact of provision"
Anna Bateman
Senior Education Consultant

For Primary and Junior

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Secondary and all-through

This is some text inside of a div block.. This is some text inside of a div block.. This is some text inside of a div block. This is some text inside of a div block.
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Any other organisation supporting schools

This is some text inside of a div block.. This is some text inside of a div block.. This is some text inside of a div block. This is some text inside of a div block.
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Frequently asked Questions

  • What is wellbeing?
    Wellbeing can be described as how people feel and how they function and how they evaluate their lives on the whole. How people feel refers to their emotions such or anxiety or sadness. How people function refers to things such as their sense of competence or their sense of being connected to those around them. How people evaluate their life as a whole is captured in their satisfaction with their lives, or how they rate their lives in comparison with the best possible life.
  • How do you measure wellbeing in school?
    You can measure wellbeing by assessing various aspects of pupils physical, mental, social, and emotional health. Surveys and questionnaires are a popular approach, where the results can help you assess wellbeing, happiness, feelings of safety, and satisfaction with school life. You can use this data effectively, alongside other data you have about your pupils to measure your progress and check what you're doing is having the right impact.
  • What is an example of a wellbeing survey?
    Surveys measure emotional health and wellbeing by asking questions about the lives, circumstances, environment and experiences of your respondents. They typically ask things like "On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with your school envionment?", "Are you happy with your social relationships at school?", "Do your friends give you help if you need it?" and "On ascale of 1-10, how happy do you feel going to school?"  There are over 65 evidence-based surveys in our Resources section where you can download the questions to many of the most widely used surveys in schools.
  • How often should we run a wellbeing survey?
    It largely depends on the type of survey you are running. If you are tracking wellbeing over a longer period of time (e.g. using whole-school wellbeing surveys) then you might measure progress at a few intervals throughout the school year, usually around the same time, to ensure data over time is consistent.When you are measuring for impact evaluation, you are likely to collect data before and after making changes.
  • What survey should we use to measure wellbeing?
    You will want to choose something that best suits your organisation and your objectives or purpose for measuring. Here are 3 things you should consider:  1. Is the measure appropriate for the age range of my audience (e.g. the language it uses) You may want to use separate measures for separate ages. 2. Will the answers to the questions tell us what we are looking to find out? 3. How are we going to use the data to drive outcomes?
  • What is the best measure to use to measure wellbeing?
    You should choose an evidence-based measure that best suits your organisation and your objectives or purpose for measuring. Here are 3 things you should consider:  1. Is the measure appropriate for the age range of my audience (e.g. the language it uses) You may want to use separate measures for separate ages. 2. Will the answers to the questions tell us what we are looking to find out and will we be able to use the results positively? 3. How are we going to use the data to drive outcomes?

Ensure no child's voice goes unheard

Move one step closer to implementing an efficient monitoring and tracking system that enables you to embed healthy wellbeing practices across your whole school and drive improvements.
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