The "Me and My Feelings" survey is a mental health and wellbeing assessment tool designed to help schools better understand the emotional wellbeing of their students. Typically used with children aged 8 to 16 and focusing on measuring emotional and behavioural difficulties, as well as positive aspects of mental health.
The survey aims to identify children and young people who may be struggling with emotional or behavioural difficulties that could impact their mental health and overall school experience. It provides insight into areas like anxiety, depression, anger, and social wellbeing making it a very effective and insightful measure (it's popular amongst our schools!).
Schools tell us they like this measure because:
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Questionnaire / Scales
Deighton, Patalay, Vostanis, Tymms, Humphrey, Belsky, Wolpert and Fonagy
The Me and My School questionnaire (M&MS) is a self-report measure for children aged eight years and above that measures emotional difficulties and behavioural difficulties. Participants respond to each item by selecting one of three options: Never, Sometimes, Always. Total scale scores are created by summing the item scores which results in a possible range of scores of 0–20 for the emotional and 0–12 for the behavioural difficulties scales, a higher score indicating more problems.
The M&MF survey consists of 16 items that students respond to. Each item represents a specific statement related to their emotional and behavioral experiences. Students are asked to rate how often each statement applies to them using a scale of Never, Sometimes, and Always. The scoring of the survey involves assigning numerical values to these response options: Never = 0, Sometimes = 1, and Always = 2. However, one item ("I am calm") is reverse scored, with Never = 2, Sometimes = 1, and Always = 0.
The first 10 items make up the Emotional Difficulties subscale, and items 11-16 make up the Behavioural Difficulties subscale.
The scoring of the M&MF survey provides insights into students' mental health and wellbeing. By calculating the total score and subscale scores, schools can identify patterns and levels of emotional and behavioural difficulties that students may be experiencing. The survey aims to quantify the frequency of certain feelings and behaviours that are indicators of mental wellbeing.
The results of the M&MF questionnaire offer valuable information that can be used in several ways:
The M&MF survey offers several benefits for schools:
The M&MF survey is designed to be efficient and time-friendly. It takes approximately 10 minutes for students to complete. This relatively short duration minimises disruption to academic schedules while still providing valuable insights into students' mental health and wellbeing.