In the UK schools influence 40–45% of youngsters waking time, a portion that is only secondary to the time spent in the home. Schools also provide a unique context for learning when receptiveness and capacity for attitudinal and behavioural modification is probably at its greatest. It is not surprising, therefore, that various attempts have been made in the past to promote children’s health and fitness through the school curriculum
However it is important to understand an activity profile that includes transport to school and parents who provided either more role modelling or logistic support for Physical Activity may also be more likely to facilitate active travel as part of the overall supportive approach to Physical Activity within the household. This survey focuses on school travel mode and parenting practices and modelling of behaviour
Questionnaire / Scales
Russell Jago1, Lesley Wood, Simon J Sebire1 , Mark J Edwards1 , Ben Davies1 , Kathryn Banfield , Kenneth R Fox , Janice L Thompson, Ashley R Cooper and Alan A Montgomery