BounceTogether includes readily available surveys that can help you devise quick action plans that address unpredictable situations.
Hear from our schoolsCollect relevant data around issues and challenges and filter results across a range of demographics from whole school to individual level.
Instantaneous results promote a rapid response and allow action plans to be formulated quickly.
Surveys form a proactive strategy as they enable you to intervene at the earliest point and prevent the escalation of issues.
Promotes a whole school support strategy for individuals by sharing the data and maximising support around a particular issue.
Collate data on relevant and current issues amongst children with the largest range of evidenced-based surveys.
Demonstrate the impact of specific interventions by using surveys at entry and exit points to monitor progress over time.
Recommended by 98% of customers
Knowing a proportion of our Lower Key Stage 2 girls were facing low levels of anxiety, we were able to run The Perceived Stress Scale pre and post-running anxiety-specific interventions to measure and compare their impact over time.
With BounceTogether, we can assign a survey to a class or cohort and have results back instantly. These are presented in a format that is easy for us to analyse meaning that we can put more timely actions in place. This has allowed us to be more reactive to the needs of different school cohorts
One cohort had not been split during their time in school. Now in year 3, they were struggling with social skills and relationships. Using BounceTogether to survey this specific area allowed us to explore their challenges and intervene straight away.
In one of our surveys, pupils reported lower levels of ‘being listened to’ than we had hoped. It informed our decision to create a ‘Pupil Parliament’ with pupils applying and campaigning for positions within the parliament. The aim was to give a bigger platform for pupil voice and so far, the impact has been excellent
Before working with BounceTogether, we felt we were only telling ½ a story without context or understanding of the environment our pupils are living in. BounceTogether has enabled us to see the whole, holistic picture.
Running the KINDL survey across years 1 – 6 has been key in enabling us to track the ‘un-trackable’ and flag up cohort / phase / school-based priorities regarding self-esteem, friendships, anxiety and families.