Use BounceTogether to gain an understanding of the success of an intervention.
Hear from our schoolsRunning surveys at entry and exit points provides data to monitor progress and inform next steps.
Using the comparison tool enables practitioners to clearly evidence the impact of SEMH interventions..
Results provide real-time data to support professional judgments and evidence the need for additional support or interventions.
Supports practitioners in the development of interventions to ensure maximum impact.
Provides motivation for staff working with more challenging pupils by demonstrating progress around SEMH interventions.
Produce meaningful reports to demonstrate the impact of interventions to key stakeholders.
Recommended by 98% of customers
Knowing a proportion of our Lower Key Stage 2 girls were facing low levels of anxiety, we were able to run The Perceived Stress Scale pre and post-running anxiety-specific interventions to measure and compare their impact over time.
We are an alternative provision centre, catering for SEMH. Children are on placements with us, so building our culture is a significant challenge as there is transience built into the system. BounceTogether supports the demographics of our setting. The range of surveys available and the ability to draw down on data enable us to support students effectively.
One cohort had not been split during their time in school. Now in year 3, they were struggling with social skills and relationships. Using BounceTogether to survey this specific area allowed us to explore their challenges and intervene straight away.
In one of our surveys, pupils reported lower levels of ‘being listened to’ than we had hoped. It informed our decision to create a ‘Pupil Parliament’ with pupils applying and campaigning for positions within the parliament. The aim was to give a bigger platform for pupil voice and so far, the impact has been excellent
Working with BounceTogether enables us to identify areas of required focus and measure the effectiveness of the work we are doing. As a large school with a big pupil premium population, BounceTogether helps ensure nobody goes under the radar.
We now run two highly successful lunchtime interventions based on insights gained from running The Stirling Children's Wellbeing Survey with BounceTogether. This has dramatically improved attendance across the school.