Survey Parents and Carers

Running a survey with parents/carers can help you gain insight into their views on your school’s response to wellbeing and measure how effectively it’s being embedded.

Use one of our preloaded parent surveys or create your own to gain feedback on any aspect of school life.

Data is collated and analysed to provide a clear and concise insight into the views and experiences of the parent community.

Demonstrates the commitment to the parent voice and incorporates that into key decisions.

Parents feel part of the community and empowered with their contributions.

Informs action plans around parental engagement.

Supports SLT within the leadership and management strand of inspection.

The ability to create bespoke surveys within the platform enables you to measure any aspect of school life.

What are our schools saying?

Recommended by 98% of customers

Within 2 weeks of sending the survey out to parents (we used SMS/email to do this), we had well over 700 responses! This was a fantastic return rate and proved to us that parents are really willing to engage in this type of communication.  The vast majority of the responses we got from the survey were overwhelmingly positive!

The amount of useful feedback we are able to get from students, staff, and parents in such a quick space of time is fantastic. It has enabled us to deliver planned and targeted intervention strategies, which we can then easily re-evaluate further down the line.

We had hundreds of positive comments back from parents explaining how well the school had handled the lockdown. This was extremely gratifying as everyone has worked hard to uphold our high standards of education and gave a real boost to our staff body.


Ensure no child's voice goes unheard

Move one step closer to implementing an efficient monitoring and tracking system that enables you to embed healthy wellbeing practices across your whole school and drive improvements.
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We can also help you

progress icon

Measure Staff Wellbeing

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On target icon

Develop a reactive strategy

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care icon

Monitor Physical Activity

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Evaluate the impact of interventions

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Promote and develop reading for pleasure

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On target icon

Create a targeted approach for a specific pupil

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attainment icon

Support an inspection

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referral icon

Survey parents and carers

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care icon

Create bespoke surveys

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Support school transition

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referral icon

Promote Pupil Voice

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care icon

Measure Pupil Wellbeing

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Our most popular resources

The 8 Principles of a whole school approach

This document contains guidance to help you understand how BounceTogether can support your school in achieving the learning outcomes aligned to the Department for Education's 8 principles of a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing.

The Student Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire

This 16-item scale measures the subjective wellbeing of pupils in the school environment. It includes 4 key areas of school life; school connectedness and belonging, academic efficacy, joy of learning, and educational purpose.

Sample Annotated Wellbeing Report

This document presents one school's findings from the survey in a presentation-ready report format and explores how the questions are scored. It may be valuable if you need to produce reports for your school Governors or SLT.